The Internet Is Playing a Key Role in Transforming Healthcare

internet-transforming-healthcareMany find it surprising that health issues already account for 37% of traffic and search engine activity on the web. The internet is where proactive health consumers get credible information that they need. We believe that the internet will continue to play the most important role in the transformation of healthcare.

In the last few years consumers have come to understand that the internet can be trusted.

The web has become a source of credible information and products that can be purchased conveniently and securely through a high speed line. Ecommerce on the web is growing at the pace of 300 percent per year now that people have become comfortable with state of encryption technology and security measures that have been proven safe and effective.

People are learning that if a credible company is behind a website, that they can trust the web as a viable more convenient medium for reliable medical information, providing a solid framework for thinking about health conditions, and an alternative way to source low cost health care products backed by good medicine.

The web is playing an important role in this evolution by informing the proactive health care consumer and connecting breakthrough innovations with the people who need them most and who are actively seeking new alternatives to the conventional medical methods that have been slow to change even when the conventional treatments do not work.

Consumers are especially active in seeking alternatives in the sectors of the healthcare delivery system where patient satisfaction is low. The rapidly evolving consumer centric model allows consumers to be proactive about their health and the internet empowers them to take informed decisions with a greater sense of confidence and options that have never before existed.

The website is a prime example of an internet site that redefines that first line of defense in healthcare delivery in a segment of medicine that is ranked one of the lowest for patient satisfaction, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The internet empowers entrepreneurs teamed with physician inventors to connect with proactive healthcare consumers and speed the process of adopting new medical breakthroughs where the need is great and the call for change is urgent.

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